Day Adventure Activities - Convention Centre - Camping


A campsite right in Perth's back yard!


Darling Range foothills at Wattle Grove, Western Australia


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Outstanding Busy Bee Items


Some of the tasks were are hoping to complete are:

  1. Cut firewood (chainsaw required)

  2. Trim grass (whipper snipper required)

  3. Fix drain behind the kitchen

  4. Trim Trees overhanging buildings

  5. Mow lawns

  6. Put seals on the auditorium roller doors

  7. Weed gardens

  8. Pick up sticks and branches

  9. Rake up leaves

  10. Sweep leaves off the roof

  11. Sweep the paving bricks

  12. Sweep behind Hut 4

  13. Install drains on the west side of the auditorium

  14. Tidy up around the top house

  15. Sweep and clean the toilets

  16. Clean out down pipe on the corner of the kitchen

Camp Wattle Grove

59 Kelvin Rd

Wattle Grove

Phone 9453 6217


If you or your group want to help at other times than those indicated, it would be most welcome.

If you have tradespersons skills and would be willing to be on call as a volunteer for emergencies or help on specific projects, please let us know.




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A campsite right in Perth's back yard!

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